March 26, 2014

botol cantik

Faham sikit.
Aku tak tidur bukan acah acah struggle.
Aku just tak boleh tidur sebab cuak kebebeh sangat.
Yes aku tahu konsep redha. 
Yes aku tahu konsep kebergantungan padaNya.

Tapi, memang cuak. 
So jangan tegur aku sebab mungkin pengaruh singa betina tu muncul bila bila masa 
Atas alasan



March 13, 2014

sinaran lampu minyak tanah

Orang kata kalau bosan, beralih lah. 
Aku bosan belajar tempat sama
Aku bosan. 

Malam ni best angat angat hewhewhew. 
Lepas bawah lampu minyak tanah acah acah picnic. Gila. 


Lagi beberapa nafas nak sampai final. 

March 11, 2014

Ini bukan troll

Ini macam tak lawak
Sangat tak lawak

Ada lagi dua assignment.
Tambah satu upcoming assignment
Dengan final examination is just around the corner
Bukan around the corner lagi nih,
Dah sampai corner dah, tinggal nak tukar gear belok
Macam hambar kan

Terus doa
Terus usaha.
May His blesses be with us.

"Bila mana kita jatuh, jangan lupa tengok bawah. Lihat apa penyebabnya, lalu terus bangkit. Tinggalkan kegagalan lampau dan terus berjalan"

Nukilan, budak Undang Undang UiTM Kuantan

March 09, 2014

2nd semester

Impossible for reality or just a mere dream?

Introverting myself


I hate public confessions
I hate playing true or dare
I hate sitting in an 'open table' session
I can't handle the pain of being honest. 

Yes. I am fake.
I fake my feelings.
I fake my first impressions towards others
I fake my personalities infront of the people I merely knew.
So yeah I am fake.

The facts that I am being such a faker is undeniable.
I want to take care of everyone's feelings, because I know how it feels to be treated badly.
Simple as that. 
Say anything that you want to say.

Be free to spill it all out, but not into my face.
I don't judge people.
Well, sometimes I did, but still in a state of observing. 
Not directly jumping into a lousy conclusion. 

I am not saying that I am perfect, but yeah deal with it. 
I am a faker and the situations and people that I need to deal with are making it more complicated.

What happen to human being//being overly judgemental

Pardon me if I've been one of those people.
I am sorry. 
well now I know that I need to stop from being one. 

Just, bare with my process if introverting myself
Just deal with it. 
We'll see how it goes.
