August 31, 2013

Freaking awesome.

Dulu selalu fikir, how does it feel to be a LAW STUDENT?
Itu yang eager apply for Law Foundation.
And guess what?
I am on the right track, SO FAR


Hm how to start? Lama sangat tak post kan? So sorry, lack of time. Even kurang masa untuk uruskan diri sendiri, so memang tak ah nak sentuh blog ken ken.

Hows life? *soalan redundant* ALHAMDULILLAH GREAT.


Serious takda idea. Mungkin patut delete blog ni lepas tu terus bakar laptop and menyorok duduk diam diam dalam bilik.

Pftt mengarut.

Final dah dekat *telakup muka*



1 comment:

  1. I went to ur blog through other article about tesl and you're studying law now ? . ☺
