Jyeahhh finally lepas berminggu minggu plan, we made it happened.
Kami kami kami went to Alia's place on Monday, 1st April 2013 to sleepover and do some movie marathon. Haha
After Zohor, drive to Farah's, Mira's and Farhana's. We straightly headed to carefour to buy some grocerries for the barbebue. Haha shopping macam mak mak weeeeh.
Salad Mira yang sangat hebakk :3 |
Marshmallow bakar. Yummy much |
Haaaa baru penulis tahu, barbeque marshmallow sangat sedapppp :3 Haha. Sampai je rumah Alia, we changed our clothes and terus pergi dapur marinade daging, rebus kentang, vegetables. Loading in desserts into the refrigerator and so on. Uncle Ghazali helped us with the fire while Aunty Sarina helped with the dinner preparations.
Meet Farhana and we are chopping the vegees in our own coolest way. Eceh. |
Mira is busy with the salad, while Farhana is still busy with the camera. Pftt -.- |
Haha siapa kata aku tak boleh masak? See see *proud |
They are babbling about something. The most confidential topics ! |
Lepas dua tahun, ini pertama kali dapat gather tujuh tujuh. Huhu ^^ May Allah ease our future and friendship, babes (: | |
The cake was huge and thick. Full us are very full :3 |
HOKAY! Pay Attention ! *spotlight* *round of applause*
Something happened. Haha mira jatuh masa baru duduk atas seats. Haha okay kesian tapi serious kelakar. The most epic was when the whole barbequed chicken and etc fell on the top of her. Well, she's our hero. Because, if not because of her, all of us might not be able to eat on that night. We made a little surprise on her birthday. Haha. Kejatuhan Mira sangat bertepatan dengan waktunya. Well, whatever it is.
Happy Belated Birthday Our Dearest Amirah Hanis Hasbullah. May Allah bless you, accountant-to-be. InshaAllah (:
P/s: Disebabkan birthday Mira was on 19th of March iaitu sewaktu semua tengah berkabung menunggu keputusan SPM, maka dia tidak dihiraukan seketika . Haha lepas emosi semua dah stable then only kiteorang celebrate.
Babe, we love you :3
She brighten the shining friendship we owned :) |
Happy 18th babe :3 |
Special Pavlova made by the delayed birthday girl (: |
We are one (: |
May Allah ease your future, Amirah Hanis. Amin. Oh and Rashdan, please take a good care of her. |
We ate a lot. Unfortunately, Farah and Hannah didnt get to join the sleepover. Haha we were lack of something that night, But still, it's okay. Haha. We watched Final Destination 5 together and slept at 3 :3 Haha thanks to Alia's brother for lending his speaker for us to enjoy the movie that night. Haha
"You should stop now, Atiqa"
Haha, see you soon.
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